September is the month of GOLD! 

Gold, by definition, is a precious metal. In this case gold represents, not a precious metal, but our precious children diagnosed with Cancer.  Comfort Kit Concierge believes Children's Cancer Research deserves #morethan4.   

In an effort to get #morethan4, CKC is hosting The "Virtual" SeanStrong Scavenger Hunt on September 12, 2021 from 11:00am-5:00pm EST.

All ticket sales will be donated to The Chad Tough Foundation, a Children's Cancer Research Organization.

SeanStrong honors a charismatic, rambunctious, fun loving little boy. Sean always wore a contagious smile and you just couldn't help smiling when in Sean's presence.  Even through Sean's diagnosis of DIPG, a type of inoperable brain tumor, his smile didn't fade.  Sean's DIPG journey was 394 days short. 

To honor Sean's journey ticket prices were set at $3.94, Sean's dash.  Those who knew Sean will see bits of Sean in the Scavenger Hunt. And those who didn't know Sean will learn bits about Sean's charismatic, rambunctious, fun loving personality.

Join Comfort Kit Concierge in raising funds and awareness for Children's Cancer Research.  Purchase tickets for The "Virtual" SeanStrong Scavenger Hunt to join the fight! Once tickets are purchased you will receive an email with information to download EventZee, the scavenger hunt app, and the code to participate in the scavenger hunt. 

Let's get Children's Cancer Research #morethan4! Have FUN!

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