Giving Soul

5 Benefits of GIVING


Giving benefits us mentally, emotionally, and physically. Studies have helped us understand when you give, it's more than just a year-end task. Generosity brings a sense of belonging, gives you a purpose, makes you feel valued and needed, helps you build strong friendships and connections, and triggers others to give as well. Below I've listed out five benefits of giving!

  1. Makes us feel happy-The act of giving releases a chemical cocktail of dopamine and oxytocin resulting in a "Helper's High." Only three other actions, childbirth, lactation, and sex, can release both of these chemicals to make us feel happy.
  2. Good for our health-Lowered blood pressure, reduced stress, less anxiety and depression, and increased self esteem, helping us live longer, are all benefits of giving.
  3. Social connection-Being kind and generous to others promotes a sense of trust, safety, and connectedness in our lives.
  4. Evokes gratitude-Expressing gratitude, in words or actions, increases positivity for both yourself and the recipient.
  5. Giving is contagious-Giving inspires others to mimic the behavior causing a ripple effect. Do you feel inspired to give after you received unexpected kindness?


"I have found that among it's other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver." Maya Angelou



The cancer community relies heavily on volunteers and donations. 64.4 million Americans giver their time, talent and energy volunteering. A cancer diagnosis can be financially devastating. According to in 2019 the financial burden for those diagnosed with cancer was $21.09 billion with patient out of pocket costs totaling $16.22 billion and patient time costs $4.87 billion.
Comfort Kit Concierge knows first hand how financially devastating a cancer diagnosis can be. The foundation of CKC is giving and lessening the burden of those going through chemotherapy. We are happy to announce our new program HELP US GIVE (HUG) COMMUNITY FUND. Help Us Give Community Fund is a monthly giving program and works in conjunction with our Nomination Program. The Nomination Program is for those who could benefit from a comfort kit but is not able to purchase one at this time. An affordable $10/month subscription helps ease the uncertainty of chemotherapy, inspire hope, and provide comfort to those in need. Make an IMPACT by joining the community and subscribing to HELP US GIVE (HUG) COMMUNITY FUND! Be a HUG HERO!

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