The Forgotten Cancer

Sarcoma is one of the rarest, most life threatening forms of cancer and makes up less than 1% of cancer diagnosis'.  What is this rare cancer? Sarcoma occurs in the bones and connective tissue such as muscles and fat.  Due to the rarity, lack of awareness and understanding sarcoma has been dubbed The "Forgotten" or "Lonely" Cancer.


Rarity and complexity make research difficult, at best. Few research dollars go to studying sarcoma. The complexity of more than 50 different types of soft tissue sarcomas (STS) and around 20 different types of bone sarcomas make researchers choose between studying all sarcomas or a more common subtype. Very little progress has been made in the 50 years of research. In 1970 the first drug, Doxonubicin, was approved for treating sarcomas. Doxonubicin remains to be the best medication to treat sarcomas.


Dedicated sarcoma specialists and multidisciplinary tumor boards are participating in research and helping bring sarcomas to the forefront. This rare cancers needs everyone talking and sharing about it. Let's show LOVE and bring awareness to ALL sarcomas!

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