Sophie Strong Memorial Event

Schoolcraft Softball Team Making A Difference

With less than 48 hours notice this amazing group of ladies, Schoolcraft Softball Team, went from having the weekend off to stepping up and playing a doubleheader in the #SophieStrong Memorial Event, a children's cancer awareness softball game to honor Sophie Varney.

Sophie's DIPG diagnosis did not stop her from living her life. DIPG, Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, is an inoperable brain tumor. According to American Childhood Cancer Organization, "DIPG brain tumors are most common in children ages 7 to 9, but can occur at any age." Sophie never stopped playing softball or fighting for brain tumor awareness. Sophie worked with Chad Tough Foundation while bringing awareness to DIPG. Portage Central Softball displayed what an inspiration Sophie was on and off the field. On December 20, 2020 Sophie's battle with cancer ended when she gained her angel wings. To honor Sophie and children's cancer awareness Schoolcraft Softball Team donated 18 Kids Comfort Kits to local kids.

Comfort Kit Concierge is very grateful to have the opportunity to honor Sophie and bring awareness to children's cancer. Thank you Portage Central Softball  and Schoolcraft Softball Teams. #sophiestrong

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